Team Legends

Heartbreak to Hope Walk

Team Legends's Activity Tracking


Team target 50 kms

Support our Sun Up Challenge for children with cancer.

When a family is told their child has cancer, what they hear is “your child might die”. Every day in Australia, three families hear those words. Not every child will die, but every family who faces childhood cancer is changed forever. Cancer puts families under enormous pressure. It can feel like it’s impossible to hold it together.

That's why we are joining Redkite in the Sun Up challenge – to help provide emotional and practical support to families facing childhood cancer.

We will be taking action by running, strolling or rolling while the sun is up, to raise money that will help families pay the bills, access emotional support, and more. From day one in the hospital and for as long as it takes, your support ensures that families don’t have to face their child's cancer diagnosis alone.

Your generosity will make sure that Redkite can provide even more families facing childhood cancer practical and emotional support and care.

Our Team Members