About the event
What is the Heartbreak to Hope Walk?
Every day, 3 more children will be told they have cancer, that’s three more families every single day that have to face the challenges of a childhood cancer diagnosis.
The Heartbreak to Hope Walk is a fitness challenge you can tackle on your own or as a team, that helps Redkite provide families with vital support as they face the unthinkable - a childhood cancer diagnosis.
By walking 100km during June, you can challenge yourself while raising funds to help provide counselling to families, keep food on their tables and help cover the costs of accommodation for rural families who need to urgently relocate to be with their child in hospital for weeks at a time.
When is the Heartbreak to Hope Walk?
Heartbreak to Hope Walk is open for expressions of interest and we’re asking you to take part from 1st -31st May 2025.
Register Interest
How does my fundraising help?
How do I find sponsors?
The simple answer is just ask people.
To help you, when you sign up, we’ll give you your very own fundraising page where you can upload photos, post videos to your timeline, choose a goal and tell your story. Copy and paste the link to your fundraising page and post it on social media, SMS your mates, email your challenge to your favourite colleagues and ask them to back your challenge.
You’ll also have additional tools to support you to grow your donations. From within your fundraising dashboard, you can send emails asking for donations. Log in and click Get Support > Share and Invite. The email will contain a link to your fundraising page, where people can donate with their credit card – easy!
Note – if you are sharing your fundraising via an Instagram story, you will need to direct people to your bio. You can easily add the link to your page to your bio.
When can I start fundraising?
In fact, starting early will make fundraising easy. Remember that by asking someone to donate to you, you are allowing them to support an extremely worthwhile cause. So cast your net wide - ask family and friends, colleagues, business contacts, staff from other businesses in your building, suppliers, clients, neighbours -anyone you can think of! You will be surprised by the support.
Where can I get fundraising tips and ideas?
Alternatively, please contact our fundraising team on
Can I run a prize draw to raise funds?
Do I ask for money before or after I walk?
Start fundraising before you start walking in May so you know what the challenge is worth for families facing childhood cancer.
Fundraising after you've completed the incredible 100km walk can help you top up your donation success!
Spread the word and fundraise online or get creative and raise money at work and in your community.
How can someone sponsor me by credit card?
If you are out and about and don’t have your fundraising page URL handy, you can ask your donors to visit www.heartbreaktohopewalk.org.au > click the Sponsor someone button > search for you. Once they’ve found your Fundraising page it’s easy to click “Donate” and complete their credit card donation online. A tax-deductible receipt is sent by email directly to your sponsor.
Does my Profile Page display amounts that sponsors have pledged before I bank the money?
Why is my fundraising page and my Facebook fundraising page showing two different amounts raised?
If you have chosen to set up a Facebook Fundraiser as well as a fundraising page your funds will not sync up and directly match. Facebook send us 100% of the funds that you raise approximately every 60 days.
If you have any questions, please give us a call on
Are my online donations secure?
How do I sponsor someone?
Support a friend or family member - click here.
Type in their name > arrive at their online fundraising page > click the red “Donate” button > complete the form with your credit card details. We’ll email you with a tax-deductible receipt.
Can my donation be anonymous?
As you make your donation, you’ll be asked if you’re happy to display your name and the amount on the participant’s online page - tick the boxes as desired and your donation will appear as Anonymous.
Are donations tax-deductible?
Can I get a new tax receipt?
I am having trouble donating
An error message may indicate your card was declined or the transaction failed for some reason.
Please check that the card number and expiry date you are entering are correct. Confirm that there are sufficient funds available, and the card is valid.
Check your credit card statement to see if we charged the transaction to your account.
If there’s been a problem, contact us.
Paying in money
I've been handed cash, how do I add electronically to my donation page?
You can list family and friends’ names on your timeline and pay in the funds using a credit card. If you need to, you can also issue receipts for the donations.
I've been handed cash, how do I deposit it at the bank and add it to my donation page?
Collect all the cash and cheques and take them to any branch of Westpac. Give us a call for the bank details.
If you have any questions, please give us a call on
Getting started
How do I sign up?
Who can take part?
Whether you’re an individual, workplace, team, or a bunch of buddies keen to show you care – You can take part in the Heartbreak to Hope Walk challenge.
When you sign up, we’ll help you kick off you’re fundraising and start planning.
Together, we’ll help families cover utility and other essential household bills, receive mental and emotional support from Redkite counsellors, and connect to other families who know what having a child with cancer is like, and offer help wherever and whenever its needed.
Is there an age limit?
Can a team of us take part?
How do I join a team?
I signed up as an individual and would like to create a team.
Log in > click ‘CREATE A TEAM’ (next to my page) > create a team. Easy peasy.
Can I use the Heartbreak to Hope Walk logo?
How can I log my kilometres?
There is the option to log your kilometres through Fitbit, Garmin, Strava and Google Fit.
If you are using any other apps, you can manually upload your kilometres, including the distance and date, via your dashboard.
About Redkite
What does Redkite do?
How does my fundraising make an impact?
What tools are available when I log in?
When you log in to your fundraising dashboard, you have access to a set of fundraising tools and downloads. This is your secure fundraising dashboard that only you can see.
- You can set a fundraising goal , add a photo and your story.
- Create a Facebook Fundraiser
- You can send emails and share your page on social media to ask for donations and track your fundraising results.
- You can thank your donors by writing them a personalised thank you email.
- You can create a team and recruit team members by sending emails asking people to join your team.
- You can update any of your event and contact details and even change your password.
- You can accept or delete comments from donors.
What is my Fundraising Page?
Your Fundraising Profile Page is the page people see when they search for you on the website.
Make sure to add a profile pic- participants who do this raise more! Then update your page with your story, letting everyone know why you are walking 100km this May for kids facing cancer.
Update your page regularly with your Heartbreak to Hope Walk journey to get your donors excited! Add to it regularly with photos, video updates or thank you messages.
How do people find my Fundraising Page?
Your sponsors can search for you on our website by clicking the ‘Sponsor someone’ button. They will need to search for your name or your team’s name. Once they’ve found your fundraising page, they can click the ‘Donate’ button.
You can also login> click MY PAGE > send an email to your friends and family containing your unique link. Or > next to Your Page link > click on the Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn icons to share your unique link on social.
How do I make changes to my Fundraising Page?
Log in and use the menu items on the top to navigate to the area you would like to update. Most updates can also be made from the main page.
If you have have any other questions, please give us a call on
Policies and legal
Why do I have to agree to the terms and conditions?
It is a requirement of our insurance cover that we have clear policies and to make everyone aware of the health and safety aspects of participating in Heartbreak to Hope Walk.
If you have any questions, please contact us on
What are the Terms and Conditions?
You can find our terms and conditions here.
If you have any questions, please give us a call on