Tash & Riss Campbell Hopper

Heartbreak to Hope Walk

My Activity Tracking


My target 300 kms

PLEASE support our run for kids and families facing cancer


 Every month in Australia, 88 children are diagnosed with cancer.
 Unfortunately, our little Fletchy was a part of this statistic being diagnosed with Brain Cancer (Medulloblastoma) on 7th May 2023. Our little man also developed Posterior Fossa Syndrome ( a collection of symptoms including reduced speech, irritability, low muscle tone, unsteadiness and inability to coordinate voluntary movements) as a result of his treatment. 

Fletchy has been through invasive surgery to remove the brain tumour, 30 rounds of radiation and 4 rounds of chemotherapy and is currently in remission for his cancer. Fletchy is now required to have 3 monthly scans and ongoing rehab and physiotherapy as a result of his cancer and PFS. For our family, our lives are changed forever. 

Cancer puts families under enormous pressure. It can feel like it’s impossible to hold it together. Do me a favour, for one second only imagine how your family would change should you every experience the unimaginable... that is our life day by day. 

This June, to honour Fletchy and celebrate his 8th birthday, between us Tash and I are committing to running 300km in the Heartbreak to Hope Walk to raise funds for Redkite to provide emotional, financial and practical support and care to families facing childhood cancer. 

Tash and Matt were given endless support by RedKite including food and fuel vouchers, emotional support services and gave them care packages whilst staying in hospital to support Fletcher. They have also offered lifetime support for the extended family and tuition support to ensure Fletchy gets the ongoing support he needs. 

Redkite offers and provides all these services to families who don't know where to begin and don't know what they need during this time. Tash and Matt want to make sure there is that crucial support needed for future families that unfortunately will require these services dealing with Childhood Cancer. 

We are forever grateful for the ongoing support Redkite has offered our family and all those families that are currently dealing with Childhood Cancer. 

Please sponsor us by making a donation to support my our run. You can donate through our fundraising page: 

Together, we can show all children and their families that they don't have to face cancer alone and support them as they face the toughest time of their lives. 

Thank you and much love ❤️ 
Tash & Riss 

My Achievements

My personal pledge to help kids facing cancer

Uploaded my profile picture to my page

Shared my page on Facebook

Raised $53 to provide a group support session for a family

Raised $152 to provide a counselling session for 1 child facing cancer

Raised $304 to provide counselling sessions for 2 children facing cancer

Raised $530 to provide group support sessions for 10 families

Raised $810 to keep the lights on and put food on the table

Raised $1000 to earn a place in the Hall of Fame

Logged my first kilometres

Achieved 25% of my KM goal

Achieved 50% of my KM goal

Reached my KM goal

Thank you to my Sponsors



Way to go Riss & Tash, such a great achievement, sending love and hugs to you both xx Ros xx


Natasha Campbell


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Veronica Campbell


Rhiannon Wilson


Angela Dunn

Good on you ladies! ❤️


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Vonny Andi Alba Lois

You’re raising money for a great cause. Xx


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Tony Bartle

Great work ladies, a wonderful effort for a great cause!


Eoin Kerrigan & Family

To fletchy , you are so amazing . To mom and aunty go girls xx


Emma Kendall




Michelle C

Go girls! What a great cause.


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So inspiring xx

I am running 300km for Fletcher Campbell.