Just beat it!

Heartbreak to Hope Walk

Just beat it!'s Activity Tracking


Team target 600 kms

Just Beat It ! Team update 1 July 2024

Hello family and friends of the Just Beat It! Team,

So how did this all come about? Committing to walking kilometres in the Heartbreak to Hope walk for RedKite, good question. My lovely friend and neighbour, Mali thought we should do it and raise funds for families that have a child with cancer. I thought why not, so asked friends to join our team, and thankful Linda was in. 

So we are a team of 3, how far do you think we walked during June. We walked to Sydney and back, yes a mammoth 528kms, unbelievable. Thank you team.

So how full is the Just Beat It ! Team bucket, pretty full, but there is still some room in there, LOL. I am very excited to share with you, thanks to our generous donors, JJ, ( he is a drummer and even plays the drums on pizza boxes )  drum roll please, it has reached an astonishing $16, 240. And we are chuffed.

If you would like to know more about the amazing work that RedKite do for families who have a child with cancer, you can find out more at https://www.redkite.org.au/how-we-help/ our services/

Our fund raising page will remain open for another month if anyone would like to donate.

We are 2nd on the leaders board, amazing work for a team of 3, thank you Linda and Mali, well done team

Thank you everyone. Remember your kindness will change someone’s world and the Just Beat It! Team can’t do it without you. 

Hope all or some of you will join our team next year

Many thanks Juani, Linda and Mali

Just Beat It ! Team update 1 July 2024

Hello family and friends of the Just Beat It ! Team
So you might be wondering how this all came about. My lovely neighbour and friend, said we should do this and then I asked others to join the team, thank you Linda.

So how far has the Just Beat It ! Team walked for the Heartbreak to Hope walk, you are not going to believe this. In June the Just Beat It! Team of 3 have walked a very long distance, nearly all the way to Sydney and back.  Drum roll please, we walked 528kms, well done team.

So how full is the Just Beat It! Team bucket for RedKite, it’s pretty full, but there is more room in the bucket LOL. I am very excited to share with you all, thanks to our generous donors, drum roll please, it has reached an astonishing $16, 240. We are chuffed. 

If you would like to learn more about the amazing work of RedKite just click on the link www.redkite.org.au

Our fund raising page will remain open for another month, if anyone would like to make a second, third or fourth donation, we would love that.

We are 2nd on the ladder, amazing work for a team of 3, thank you Linda and Mali, well done team.

A big shout out of THANK YOU to all who have supported and donated to the Just Beat Team! You’re kindness will change someone’s world and we can’t do it without you

Thank you so much everyone, stay healthy please. Much love Juani, Linda and Mali

18 June - Just ‘Beat It Team ! Bulletin, mandatory reading for friends and family LOL

Good Evening family and friends,

Good news ! The ‘ Just Beat It ! Team has walked 437 kms to date for the Heartbreak to Hope ‘ walk and team member Linda is smashing it. She has walked 144 km in 18 days, amazing, well done Linda. She has only 6kms to go to reach her target of 150 kms, ( oh I hate you in a nice way ). Linda has agreed to walk extra kms to raise more $$$$ for RedKite, so please if you can, help please do.

So how is the Just Beat It ! Team bucket going to ensure RedKite can continue their vital work with families that have a child with cancer. I am excited, in fact very excited, we the Just Beat Team ! cannot express our thanks to our generous donors enough. Drum roll please. We have an amazing $10,368 in our bucket. Woohoo, thank you to all that have donated. Would be wonderful if we could get the bucket to $11,000 to help this very needed charity.

THANK YOU EVERYONE from the awesome Just Beat Team, second on the ladder,  that’s great, we are just three and changing lives 

Day16 - NEWS FLASH - Team Update

Amazingly, thank you to all our generous donors, the “Just Beat It ! Team’s $$$$ tally has reached an astonishing $9,745 woohoo. Can we make it $10,000? Here’s hoping, to support the vital work of RedKite.

And you must be wondering about the kms tally, Mali, Linda and I have walked 316kms in 16 days. Who would have thought the ‘Just Beat It ! Team could be so committed. Thank you Mali and Linda for your tenacity and persistence in getting very close to your goals. WELL DONE TEAM !!!!

11 June Just Beat It ! Team update

Hello Family and friends, thanks for your for support to the Just Beat It ! Team during our walk for Heartbreak to Hope, for your generous donations to help RedKite continue to provide their essential services to families who have a child suffering cancer .

Linda and Mali we are smashing it. Thanks so much to all our supporters, you are awesome. Linda has smashed her fundraising goal as I have, thank you everyone for your kindness. The Just Beat It ! Has raised $8,070,  woohoo.  Team has walked 206 km and we need to complete 400km.

The weather was revolting in Canberra today, bitterly cold some rain and overcast. Walked some of Lake Ginninderra with my friend Barry. It was so cold I had five layers on the top half of my body and two layers on my legs, yuk. 

Managed 10 kms yippee.

Big shout out to Gail Cantle who has been in my life for a millón years. Thank you for supporting my Heartbreak to Hope walk, your generosity and the gift of my very loud pink rain coat. Love it, not a colour I would have picked.

Just Beat It ! Team update 6 June

I want to express the “Just Beat It ! Team’s gratitude for your support to the HeartBreak to Hope walk and helping families find the support they need in the face of their child’s cancer diagnosis and journey ( an unpleasant one)

Because of you and your generosity, RedKite can be there every step of the way and provide hope to these families.

You truly are making a difference and the “Just Beat It ! Team cannot express their thanks sufficiently 

Day 4 Just Beat It Team Update

Sorry too tired to provide an update . Bitterly cold on my walk today, revolting

Support our walk for children facing cancer.

Every month in Australia, 88 children are diagnosed with cancer. 

For those families, their lives are changed forever. Cancer puts families under enormous pressure. It can feel like it’s impossible to hold it together.

This June, we are taking part in the Heartbreak to Hope Walk to raise funds for Redkite to provide emotional, financial and practical support and care to families facing childhood cancer.

Please sponsor our team by making a donation to support our walk. 

Together, we can show these children and their families that they don't have to face cancer alone and support them as they face the toughest time of their lives.

Thank you.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Kathryn And Peter Widdowson

Juani .. Bless you for walking 150 km for such an amazing charity . Kids with cancer can be such a sad time but with your and many others efforts hope is certainly on the horizon.


Gail Cantle

You are my hero! Besos!


Bill And Mary Bush

Glad to be able to contribute a round sum of $200.


Carmen & Todd Brown

Your an amazing, inspirational, strong woman


Malcolm O’leary

Great that you are taking on this challenge Juani.


Sandra Savage

Your amazing Juani. Great charity


Christopher Ward

From Award Electrical and Security Services. Be nice to Tarquin he's a great guy and we want him to.live in Perth


Matched Donation


Michelle Taylor

You are amazing. Keep smiling.


Karen Drake

You are amazing.! Good luck with everything.


Erik Lensson


Margaret Mcdonald

I wish you all the best with your walk and, most importantly, with your recovery.


Tarquin Beresford-wylie


Matched Donation



More than happy to donate to a good cause ❤️


Directline Timbers


Matched By Shaw And Partners


Charlie Roberts




Matched Donation


Great Work

Great work.


Facebook Donation


Ingrid Kuster

Wonderful cause Juani.


Kerrie Bawden


Matched Donation


Marilyn Steele

On behalf of my very dear friend Juani O'Reilly


John Hedges

Go hard and fast.


Matched Donation


Karen And Ben Mcdevitt

Hey girl, congratulations.. fantastic work… happy to donate 👍💕


Matched Donation


Sally Stephens

Go Juani!


John Ahern


Jenny Fleming

Well done you - you are an amazing person.


Ines & Oscar

Muy valiente Juanita y te deseamos buena suerte


Geoff Hazel




Louisa Kelland

Wishing you nothing but the very best, Juani


Peter Aitken


Alex Garnock

Dear Juani, wishing you all the very best with the walk. Go Girl! Love, Cath


Lesa Hallissy

You go girl, great cause


Benalla Brat


Rene Konrad


Louise Vizard

Gr8 job mate. Nearly yhere. 👏🏻🖖🏻🥰



Well done Juani for walking on such a great cause....


Libby & Paul

Go go go Juani!


Gail Freeman & Co Pty Ltd

Go Juani


Deb And Len Patish

Go Juani 👏👏👏👏👏


Tarquin Beresford-wylie


Anne Hazell

Good luck. Looks like your close to your goal 😊


David Harrison

Great cause Juani and good luck the walk.



Brilliant work Juani. With love




Maria Oreilly

Great cause



Amazing Juani !


Immaculada O'reilly


Peter G

Goodonya Juani !!


Matched Donation


David Luke

You are truely inspirational, good luck!


Roslyn Drummond

Well done team. Congratulations on meeting your target.


Hiro & Family

What a wonderful cause! We are so proud of you Juani! Sending you lots of love from our family



Good on you Juani



You are exceptional my beautiful giving friend. 💜 Your strength, commitment and tenacity when you are on a mission is beyond inspiration. I love you lots ❤️


Matched Donation


Giuseppe Pelle


Ann Mcevoy

Great effort Juani. You go girl!


Chris Mckay




Kerry Morrison


Gabriella Kilfoyle


Facebook Donation





Go Juani!


Lynjake Ocallaghan

Go girls




Yvonne & Alwyn Paull

Just beat it Juani!


Tony Bevan


Facebook Donation


Liliana Villatobas

Keep up the great work Linda 💜


Bec Forge

I am so proud of you and the amazing women that you are. Love you girlfriend


Linda Meisel

Halfway there! You go girl.


Linda Muir

Well Done Juani


Greg Ranse

Thanks Juani and good luck with the walking


Edward B-w


Louise Mcdonough

Such a great cause Juani - you go girl!


Dan Devlin


Matched Donation


F Oreilly

Good luck and happy walking!


Amy Hemsworth


Mercedes Magaz


Dominic Bakker

Good for you, Juani!


Donna Billinghurst

Sending love Juani


Brian Dunn


Benalla Brat


Judy Neilands

All power to you Juani


David O’meara


Geoff Hazel

just helping


Linda D’arsie






Heather Jackson


Lynjake Ocallaghan

You and your team are amazing


Matched Donation


Peter Kirubaithilakan

Hi Juani, good on you for doing this. Hope my contribution is large enough.


Selina Peck

So proud of you Juani and what a great cause!


Wayne C


Myles Mceneny


Brian Peck

Happy to support you and this cause Go you legend 👍🏻❤️


Deb Tait

You’re such a trooper, Juani. Good luck with it all.


Liz Forge

Lots of love from Liz and Nick


Matched Donation





To one of the strongest woman I know, what a meaningful cause to be walking for. Sending lots of love and support.



Great work!


Deborah Sheehan

So proud of you Juani. It’s such a tough life changing journey going thru cancer. Sending lots of love and a Craig angel for your shoulder 💜


Cameron Harris


Julia Herbert

Go Juani!!!! Love Elle and Bo!


Maria Peck

You are amazing! A true inspiration xx


Martin Leonard


Sue Lalor

Well done Juani





I’m so proud of you Juani. I know you can do this. It goes to a great cause.


Stephen Uhe


Matched Donation


Jo-anne Bauer


Margaret Brennan

You and Linda are doing a fantastic job


Matched Donation



Reckon I will walk 200km, 50km over my target. So donating $1 for every km over my 150km. Hoping someone will match me


Matched Donation



Get well soon my dear


Matched Donation



Doing it for the kids


Matched By Shaw And Partners


Delia Quigley

Cancer is insidious!



You got this mumma, so proud of you. We all are 💗


Rosanne Brand

You’re remarkable!


Nada Krsti



Keep up the great work Juani. This is a huge achievement for you, especially given all your own personal challenges this year. Love and best wishes are with you. Hoping you achieve your goal.


Matched Donation


Anthony D'arsie


Matched Donation


Mary O'brien

Bon Camino Juani x


The Crivici/nelson Family

Good luck Juani, we absolutely know you will achieve your goal ❤️


Jonathan Jones

Wonderful to see you out walking Juani




Juani O’reilly

Let’s help them beat it. You go girl.


Susan And David Black.

How wonderful you are Juani! We are filled with admiration xxx


Liz Mcdonald

You are incredible Juani xx



Good luck with your worthy efforts and for a full recovery


Con Coutso

Wishing you all the best


Karen & John



Greg Simsons

Well done bub!


Matched By Shaw And Partners


Trace Jiggins

Go girl!


Juani O’reilly

Go Mali, let’s help these kids Beat It


Facebook Donation


Olga Vareskic

Always happy to support you, my lovely Juani!!! 🩷


Dian S


Sirpa F





Facebook Donation




Tracey Duggan


Matched By Shaw And Partners


Roseanne Howes

So much love and admiration for you xxxx


Matched Donation


Ann Ertzen

Good luck Juani - you're almost there with the money!


Cath Grassick





Lynjake Ocallaghan

Great effort juani


Jaklyn Ocallaghan

Go linda


Jaklyn Ocallaghan

Go mali


Leanne Taylor

What a great cause. Good on you.


Marlene Mcclelland

Good luck and well done for choosing to support kids with cancer.



Well Done Mamaa. Keep going. We are proud of you.



Amazing Linda!



Great job



You are an inspiration Linda, well done for all you do for these families xx


Matched Donation


Karen Sutherland

Your a beautiful person :)


Lyn Milburn

Hope it helps


Matched Donation


Matthew Javi

Great cause



Go Mali! You are amazing and a beautiful friend and support to our incredible team member Juani. Team Just Beat It…we have done good!


Gene O'reilly


Matched Donation


Mick And Julie

You are amazing., as was your precious Ella. X x



Great cause 🙏🏾


Prue Brandon

Well done team of 3 . Thank you.


Matched Donation


Judy Taylor



Respect for turning a shitty situation into a better one, and thinking of others. You make the world a much nicer place xx


Matched Donation




Matched Donation


Raphael Dingli

Hey Juani. Hope you make the target. Chat later close to the next weekend


Katrina Gregoriou

You’re an absolute WINNER Juani🏆💕🥰 !!!


Matched Donation


Janet Papas


Matched Donation


Greg Simsons

Proud of you babe! This donation gives you two rest days! ❤️


Luisa Coates


Matched Donation


Ms Duthie

A great and worthwhile cause well done.!


Kimberley Campbell



Great work, all the best!




Matched Donation



Well done Linda , such a good cause 💜


Matched Donation



You got this xx




Matched Donation



Well done Juani


Mandy Rolfe


Sonya Lyons

You are a champion 💕


Matched By Shaw And Partners


Kim Ward


Matched Donation


Katrina Gregoriou

Good on you Juani 😍 you’re doing great!!💕


Justine Rixon

You are amazing my beautiful friend. Always thinking of others 💜💜


Love From Germany For A Great Cause




Ally Wight



Go Mali Goooo.


Chris Hyland

You're amazing Juani x



You are doing great Linda. Ella would be so proud of you doing what you do to help fight this terrible disease.


Lesley Coulon

Good on you Juani


Matched Donation


Fiona Lovegrove

Juani, you are amazing!


Linda D’arsie

So proud of our amazing team Just Beat It!



Love you xx


Juani O’reilly

You are smashing the kms. Good on you. Good luck with getting ten


Trish Metters

You are so close. Great walking with you and sharing the journey.


Facebook Donation









