Joel Bolitho

Heartbreak to Hope Walk

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

Support my walk for kids facing cancer.

Every month in Australia, 88 children are diagnosed with cancer. 

For those families, their lives are changed forever. Cancer puts families under enormous pressure. It can feel like it’s impossible to hold it together.

This June, I am taking part in the Heartbreak to Hope Walk to raise funds for Redkite to provide emotional, financial and practical support and care to families facing childhood cancer.

Please sponsor me by making a donation to support my walk. 

Together, we can show these children and their families that they don't have to face cancer alone and support them as they face the toughest time of their lives.

Thank you.

My Achievements

My personal pledge to help kids facing cancer

Uploaded my profile picture to my page

Shared my page on Facebook

Raised $53 to provide a group support session for a family

Raised $152 to provide a counselling session for 1 child facing cancer

Raised $304 to provide counselling sessions for 2 children facing cancer

Raised $530 to provide group support sessions for 10 families

Raised $810 to keep the lights on and put food on the table

Raised $1000 to earn a place in the Hall of Fame

Logged my first kilometres

Achieved 25% of my KM goal

Achieved 50% of my KM goal

Reached my KM goal

My Updates

Hurt and forgiveness

Saturday 8th Jun
The three most powerful words one can say, "I forgive you."
Last night while walking, I took the opportunity to learn more about forgiveness, and kindness. 
Ephesians 4:31-32: “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, with all malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
Forgiveness and kindness changes hearts, changes lives.
An hour well spent.
I have much to learn.

Origin 1

Thursday 6th Jun
A sneaky evening jog to watch the footy at my Uncle's place. A bit wet, bit of a blister. Nothing compared to a cancerous cell attacking its host body.
On track with 100km.
Sponsors needed to reach $1000 for the month.

Day off!

Tuesday 4th Jun
So I got a day off, yay!!
It was such a pleasure to choose other priorities. 
The sleepless, restless and disturbed night wasn't wanted, and we celebrated a special family members birthday. 
All this without worrying if my child was going to live or die.
I am sure the parents of such critically unwell children have sleepless, restless and disturbed nights- one after the next after the next and again.
They too, have family that celebrate special milestones.
But, they get up, and comfort each other, they face the traffic, the Doctors, the isolation of treatment in different cities.

These thoughts are but a distant observation, ones I pray no one has to experience. But if they do, may there be funds from programs such as this to ease some of the burden.

Big thanks to our anonymous sponsor today!!! 😁 
Back on shank's pony tomorrow.

Reflective day

Monday 3rd Jun
I was feeling rather reflective today. 
We've not spent days or months in hospital with a sick child. We have certainly had other struggles mind you. 
I can't begin to imagine the toll it would take, and the resilience of such a challenge.
I guess this is why this program is in place. For publicity, awareness and fund-raising.
Speaking of which, a massive shout out to those who encourage me with a regular 'like,' or 'comment'  Thanks Aunty Judy 😊 
TWO donations have come in! John and Bron, and David and Fam. Thanks guys!!
$141. This is 12km paid for. 
On target, STOKED!
Anyone available to sponsor $11/km for tomorrow please?

Walked the estate

Sunday 2nd Jun
I had some lovely company this evening. My daughter rode her bike and we traced the estate. We raced a couple times. Dad is faster that her on the bike!! (Dad's strategic placement helped! 😀 ) 
The loops are
Loop 1 - 3.3 km - Which is my daily goal! 30min
Loop 2- 4.4km 40min
Loop 3- 5.2km 50min

My goal is 100km, that's 3.3km per day, and I'm on track to reach my target.
The financial goal is $1000, that's $33.33 per day. Another way to think about it is $3.3/km. 
Can you sponsor me for 1km? 
Maybe a day?

I started!

Saturday 1st Jun
100km for the month is 3.3km / day by myself. I've just done 6km in the rain, feels good to get the ball rolling! 
When someone else joins  the team, it will be 1.7km / person per day.
Who's in!?

Thank you to my Sponsors


John & Bron Bolitho


Joel Bolitho


David And Fam

Go for it bro! David and fam


Trudi Samin

I am walking 100km for someone special