Jacqueline Forse

Heartbreak to Hope Walk

My Activity Tracking


My target 50 kms

Support my walk for kids facing cancer.

Every month in Australia, 88 children are diagnosed with cancer. 

For those families, their lives are changed forever. Cancer puts families under enormous pressure. It can feel like it’s impossible to hold it together.

This June, I am taking part in the Heartbreak to Hope Walk to raise funds for Redkite to provide emotional, financial and practical support and care to families facing childhood cancer.

Please sponsor me by making a donation to support my walk. 

Together, we can show these children and their families that they don't have to face cancer alone and support them as they face the toughest time of their lives.

Thank you.

My Achievements

My personal pledge to help kids facing cancer

Uploaded my profile picture to my page

Shared my page on Facebook

Raised $53 to provide a group support session for a family

Raised $152 to provide a counselling session for 1 child facing cancer

Raised $304 to provide counselling sessions for 2 children facing cancer

Raised $530 to provide group support sessions for 10 families

Raised $810 to keep the lights on and put food on the table

Raised $1000 to earn a place in the Hall of Fame

Logged my first kilometres

Achieved 25% of my KM goal

Achieved 50% of my KM goal

Reached my KM goal

My Updates

My Tjitji, my Paddy cake

Friday 10th May
My beautiful Tjitji (little one) Patrick (Paddy) Moloney passed away on the 29th of January this year. We were blessed to have him for 1309 days.

BUT just 209 days from the day he was diagnosed until he left my arms and grew his angel wings.

 Childhood cancer is just horrific, it is the Hell that the devil himself would fear.  
Many know Paddy's story but what they don't know is how hard it was to keep the family going, rent, food, fuel etc whilst not working and feeling guilty  coz every second of your life is engulfed by the situation. Redkite were one of the foundations who helped pay our rego and somw groceries and then at the end, they helped by contributing to Paddy's funeral which would have cost over $10,000.  Redkite also helped provide support and guidance from the very first day we got Paddy's diagnosis with the gift of a 'cancer essentials bag'. This bag came with us literally everywhere (red and white stripes, we all know that bag too well). 
I'd walk to my feet fell off it meant I could bring Paddy back but instead I'm going to walk 50K in June to help other families that are going through their own personal hell. It might not seem like much but given I had my heart attack in January 2023, 50K is a long way for me. BUT I know Paddy will walk beside me every step of the way.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kellie Finlay Legal

My thoughts are always with you. I hope this helps!


Bonnett Family

You are extending Paddy's legacy with your support of those whose experience you know only too well. Kia kaha (stay strong).


Colleen & Pat

Well done Jackie. Luv MIL and FIL..


Liam Rowland

Thinking of ye all , Liam, Sandra, Bridie & Gerry Rowland


Patrick Moloney

Good on you, Jackie. A worthy cause., as you've shared your own experience.


Bev Mcgown



Go Jackie



Your Paddy cake loved by all You got this Jackie ❤️❤️


Joycelyn Green

Go Jackie we will always remember Paddy and the amazing job done by Red Kite



Your amazing



I am walking 50km for Paddy Moloney (fly high).